New Water Policy and Practice Volume 1, Number 1 - Fall 2014 | Page 10

New Water Policy and Practice cases in which large dam construction projects have been associated with the displacement and impoverishment of local people in developing countries. However, these impacts are not specific to dams. They occur perhaps more frequently and extensively with road, rail, mining, and commercial agriculture projects as well as with private property development and urban expansion more generally. However, the literature generated by the dams discourse has generally avoided consideration of the more generic issues of expropriation, or eminent domain as it is known in the United States, or of the political economy of large public and private projects in different contexts. This reflects the primary objective of the campaigns which was to prevent the construction of large dams rather than to promote equitable development and social justice. However, the joint focus created a coalition which provided social legitimacy for the environmentalists and put the formidable lobbying capacity of the environmentalists at the disposal of the social activists. In this context, the distinction bet