New Teeth in One Day Clinics All On 4 Dental Implants - Key Facets | Page 6
How Drinking Lemon Water can
Damage Your Smile?
In the recent years, there has been a big rise in the number of people dealing with
dental problems and so many of them trying procedures like all on 4 dental implants to
correct more than one tooth. Even though people are careful about brushing and taking
other precautionary measures, they still find it difficult to prevent dental problems. One
big reason is that they unknowingly do things that would damage their teeth. One such
thing is to drink lemon water on a regular basis.
There are many other benefits of drinking lemon water, but you need to take a while
before you start including it in your diet. You need to understand that lemons are highly
acidic, and anything acidic can damage tooth enamel, exposing your teeth to the
bacterial onslaught. Moreover, brushing after drinking lemon water can increase your
risk of tooth decay. Even when you dilute it with water, you are still raising the pH levels
in your mouth that can increase the risk of erosion. Therefore, it is better to get your
vitamin C dose from other foods.
However, if you really want to drink lemon water, you should avoid drinking it often. You
should also take other precautionary measures. For instance, brushing your teeth
before you drink may help. Do not opt for the concentrated lemon juices and use fresh
lemons only. Consider drinking through a straw to limit the contact of lemon water with
your teeth. Taking all these steps will help you enjoy the benefits of lemon water without
damaging your teeth.