NEW ::: POETRY Apr. 2015 | Page 30

ART INTERPRETATION: the voo-doo wood has one thread from broken eggs and a mad feather... for a baby God, for a link between hope and void...between the man and the woman. [::] Mystical crows on the dreamed-of tree. Small paper strips obscured by night, motionless in spite of the breeze, dangling from the branches like hanged men’s souls. Black feathers stuffed of black doodles. Forest of incomprehensible signs. Pleas to the anonymous kami in front of the house. Cuervos místicos en el árbol soñado. Tiritas de papel veladas por la noche, estáticas pese a la brisa, colgando de las ramas como almas de ahorcados. Plumas negras atiborradas de garabatos negros. Bosque de signos incomprensibles. Súplicas para los anónimos kami frente a la casa.