NEW LOOK FASHION MAGAZINE Issue 6/January 2015 | Page 31

Many put a front or act as to what a father truly is when a man takes full responsibility of a child, he is responsible for everything. In order for that child to grow up and be able to be what he has been called to be and beyond his wildest dreams. A father can show his child how lived; which 9 times out of 10 was negative or he can show him a positive way.

Due to ignorance and lack of knowledge many failed to do so, therefore leaving the world to raise their children. Many are being raised by prisons, the streets, television, etc.

We so have many bad examples today throughout this world, and it is up to the individual to show their children a better way life. So when the child grows up, they can see what their father has shown them is exactly what it takes to make the world a better place.

Make sure you read next month's "Father Figure" article. If any questions or concerns, email [email protected]. You can also leave questions or comments on facebook's "Today's New Look Fashion Magazine" Fan Page.

father figure

"A man never stands as tall as when he kneels to help a child."

-Knights of Pythagoras