When it comes to fatherhood, a true man exudes only what he is taught. Everything we do is learned, what we are exposed to we become. Many fail to understand or even try to understand what a father truly is when what they see, shapes who they are.
Fatherhood requires more than just having the essential package to create a child. The abilities to be able to rear a child requires you to be able to be selfless and not selfish. To look at what you have created as a total responsibility in bringing that child up to be better than you and to be able to take over what you have created . You need to leave that child with the impression that what you have left them they can take onto the next generation. Into the world to be able to let people know that they are truly great and what their destiny is here on earth.
The problem with many fathers today is that they are the greater imitators of nothing. To explain it in a more profound way, many men have been cut off and deprived of the true essence of fatherhood. Due to the separation of mothers from the fathers and today's wording of baby "daddy" father has now replaced husband and spouse therefore what you see is what you get.
Many men go about their daily lives like animals they procreate, drop off, and move on because they really have never been told what it means to be responsible for taking care of a life that was created through there bodies.
Many put a front or act as to what a father truly is when a man takes for the responsibility of a child he is responsible for everything. In order for that child to grow up and be able to be what he has been called to be beyond his wildest dreams a father can show his child according to the way he has lived or he can show him something better. Due to ignorance and lack of knowledge many failed to do so therefore leaving the world to raise their children. Many are being raised by the jails, prisons the streets television etc we have many bad examples today throughout this world and it is up to the individual to show their children a better way. So when the child grows up they can see that their father has shown them is exactly that which is making the world a better place.
"You must have a HEAD in order for the BODY to function. "