New Jersey Stage Issue 73 | Page 103

they don’t seem to have learned too many lessons. Andy has grown weary because she feels the world is getting worse, which is objectively far from the case, and it’s hard to believe someone who lived through the Roman Empire, the Crusades and the Holocaust hasn’t seen any progress. 2020 might be worse than 2019, but this is like denying global warming because last summer was hotter than this year. Why does Andy adopt a whack-a-mole approach to tackling relatively minor incidents as they arise, rather than looking at the big picture? Why not use her centuries of acquired wisdom to affect change through politics, like a reverse Damien from The Omen, or through science and medicine, like an amped up immortal riff on Rock Hudson’s playboy turned surgeon in Sirk’s Magnificent Obsession? Well, the answer is that this is an action movie, and the audience demands brawling and shooting over debating and studying. That’s all fine, but the movie never inte- NJ STAGE - ISSUE 73 INDEX NEXT ARTICLE 103