group beginning in the face and throughout
the whole body, one at a time. They felt the
tight knot in one hand, tensed body part, then
took a slow, deep breath, breathing through
that body part while feeling the soft sock in the
other hand to feel external calm, matching it
with internal calm.
I use the external world visuals and tactile experiences to help children go inside themselves,
and make connections there with the mind/
body/emotions/breathing. This enables and
empowers the foundation for practicing new
behavior patterns that strengthen one’s selfworth by acting instead of reacting. It is the difference between feeling victimized by one’s environment and circumstances and being able to
make a choice with free will, feel empowered,
and make an internal change even though external conditions cannot be changed. We always have a choice. Children who learn this at a
young age are empowered beyond measure to
reach a state of self-actualization that nurtures
self-confidence, self-caring and self-control.
When my son, Darion, was nine years old, some
boys were making fun of his name. I asked him
how he felt about that. His response was priceless: “Mom, I can’t figure out why they would
want to make fun of MY name.” He was not
fazed. He thought it a waste of their time to
do something like that. His self-confidence and
inner world skills didn’t allow others’ negativity
to control him.
Why is slow, deep breathing a catalyst for health,
well being and improved academic achievement, for starters? Research shows that takin