This book offers some great
tools for navigating the
turbulent seas of life...
fundamental understandings that she calls the 7
Cups of Consciousness. Each “Cup” or element is
clearly explained, and laid out with how-to steps,
insights and things to remember, the full protocol
and wrap-up meditations. This user-friendly guide
and workbook should enable any reader to shift
their consciousness and learn how to manifest
their heart’s desire.
he literature from people with
similar experiences seems to
be growing exponentially. Many
common themes have emerged,
as people describe both their direct experiences and their interpretation of the meaning of what
they have observed or been told by their guides.
Unless you think mass hysteria is overtaking the
planet, the fact that these messages echo one another in their essence, adds layer upon layer of
The book offers a very plausible overview of the human experience that spans time and space. The basic principles are things that we h