New Balance 1 | Page 9

Use at least three colours. While an all white window might seem chic to you, it won't interest like adding a bit of red and black.

Including faces of customers. Accompanying their testimonials, seeing your items in their hands, any way you can add interest with actual customers is a plus.

Feature customer wants. Your higher ticket items that might not sell as quickly garner more interest than what customers need.

Clean it. Thoroughly clean the inside, outside and floor of your display windows prior to installation


Avoid holidays in the middle of the month. Unless it's month long, your windows can be outdated and make you look out of touch. If you will change them the day after, OK.

Don't overfill. Your windows are not your stockroom. Use them to highlight your best, not as an end cap.

Change monthly. Just like when you are merchandising displays, they have a shelf life. Keep them changed to keep customers (and yourself) engaged.

Limit your palette. Just like too many patterns on a person is distracting so are too many colours in your window.

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