store layout
The layout of our pop up shop will guide the customer through the store making them want to see more and more. Our main focus will be the new range of trainers we will be launching, they will be positioned in the middle section with a large seating area for the customer to try on our products, the shoes will be displayed all across the wall and perhaps a few dotted around the store that will create an outfit with some of our clothing lines. By doing this we are giving the customer an idea of what the outfit could look like all together, this may even persuade them to by more than just one item.
Our changing rooms will be at the back of the store which is convenient for both the customer and us because this way the customer will have to walk through the whole store to try on their items, they will get to see all our products and get to try on whatever they desire, this is better than the customer trying something on, leaving the fitting rooms and then seeing something else they want to try. Out till points will also be based just beside the fitting rooms so when the customer is finished, they don’t need to go to the other end of the store to pay.