NEW AGE Organizational communication edt1 | Page 5
Internal Communication
Internal communication focuses on
human capital, in this case it is
similar to the field of human
communication, the work and
corporate climate will be better and
more effective with the information
products inside the company.
resources since it is responsible for Another job that internal
integrating all administrative staff in communication must do is to
the company’s objective. It is very determine internal and external needs
important to highlight internal to generate quality and efficiency in
communication because with a the product or service offered by the
company. To establish security
procedures for the information
circulating in the company and to train
corporate personnel to make
appropriate use of this information.
Employees need a feedback .
In conclusion, a modern languages professional has many fields to work and that
constitute the functionality of a company. Each of these departments are essential
for a company to progress effectively. It is important that these roles are carried out
with responsibility and take into account all the factors that may affect that process,
in the case that they affect, try to find a fast and suitable solution. We can also find
that social networks play a fundamental role in the communication of the company,
without a good communication, without feedback and without help of these social
networks would be a chaos the labor field. These tools help the employee stay
informed and take good care of their work. A Professional in modern languages must
have all this knowledge to function in any area of work.