NEW AGE Organizational communication edt1 | Page 4
because it generates trust and of the company to prevent it from
loyalty with our stakeholders. going bankrupt.
External Communication
In external communication there are
three fields: marketing, advertising
and internet. Marketing focuses on
product, price, placement and
Communication is essential for a
promotion and the use of appropriate
strategies to communicate to
There are three sub-areas, which
are Branding, lobbying and Advertising Its objective is to inform
Financial communication. Branding and convince consumers, it takes into
defines the brand from the outside, account the sender, messages,
ie from the point of view of the codes, channels, context and
consumer. In this case, it is very receiver. One of the most important
important to work with consumers advertising’s aspects is creativity.
and with their help to position the
brand (public relations, advertising,
logo and products).
Lobbing is a job of persuation and
develops the action plan that allows
to protect to the company of any
threat, generally centers of power
and public are used.
Social networks help to comunication
Finally, the financial communication
that is responsible for carrying the internet is a method that allows the
entire accounting record and clients have to access concrete
regulates the expenses and income information and in an easily way.