Neuromag May 2017 | Página 8

The Cybathlon: An update on machine learning Written by Vinay Jayaram ETHZ Cybathalon 2016 On October 8th, 2016 about a dozen people sat in an auditorium in Zürich and raced each other purely with their thoughts. Hooked up to various computers and sensors, they used their brain activity to control the avatars in a racing game, bypassing the entire physical body to talk to a computer. It wasn’t the first time humans have communicated with computers solely through their thoughts, but it may have been the most high profile. Thousands of onlookers watched the avatars displayed on the jumbotron as the pilots gave new meanings to the phrase “with minds racing.” Surprisingly enough, brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) have existed since computers were dumber than Ap- ple Watches. Since the early 1990s, people have known that the electrical patterns of activity in the brain change when people do specific tasks (imagin- ing moving a part of the body is a good example), and these changes aren’t actually that hard to measure. Just put some electrodes on the scalp and that’s often enough. The natural ques- tion then is, why are you only hearing about this now? Well, they were just not very consistent (or convenient). It’s true that people could control cursors with their minds about twenty years ago; it was just an incredibly tedious process. Imagine if every time you wanted to use your mouse you had to teach your mouse to understand your movements for fifteen minutes, say once every two hours. Then, if you want to make it a bit more realistic, imagine it can only be used once every four seconds, misses every fifth com- mand, and it has all the ergonomics of an ox-drawn plough. But never fear! It only took you six months to train your brain to be able to use it at all. These days things are far better — good enough that some people can actually type pretty quickly using a BCI, though still nowhere near as fast as with one’s fingers. It can only take ten minutes to get the tech used to you, but the ugly and often uncomfortable 8 | NEUROMAG |May 2017 hardware remains an issue. Worse, they are really only effective in calm, undistracting environments. All in all much better than before, but still no- where near something a healthy hu- man would actively choose to use. Even though healthy people may not opt to trade their mice in for BCIs, there are definitely groups that might, such as those people no longer capable of using a mouse. It is for these groups that BCIs are geared. This competition for brain-computer interfaces took place at the Cybathlon, the world’s first international competition for disabled athletes with assistive technology. In essence, it’s the Olympics for the people who are unable to participate in the current Special Olympics — for now it consists only of short races, but perhaps true to ancient form it will one day encompass everything from wrestling to marathons. In this first iteration it had short races designed to mimic everyday tasks that are dif- ficult for people with prostheses of all sorts, such as using the same artifi- cial hand to both screw in a lightbulb and grab a string, or navigating steps with a wheelchair. In the case of the BCI race, it was to highlight options for individuals who are incapable of con- trolling their muscles due to injury. Un- like the Special Olympics, in which the assistive technology is a tool to enable humans to show off how well they are able to perform, in the Cybathlon the tech itself took center stage along with the athletes. Which, if you think about the Olympics, is a bold step in and of itself. Imagine a runner in the Special Olym- pics. She requires prostheses to run because both of her legs were ampu- tated below the knee. For years before the Olympics she trained herself to run with these pieces of metal and plastic strapped to her shins, and when the day comes she runs better than she ever has in her life. She wins. Now imagine someone at the Cybath- lon training for the race with her pow- ered arm prosthesis. Every day she practices using it to do the tasks of the race, like picking up various objects and opening doors and holding bags, and she gets more and more used to it. Once every month, the technicians come in and upgrade it further so it responds more quickly. On the day of the race, she’s there on the floor of the stage, nervous and waiting for the bell to commence. But once it does, some- thing just feels not quite right, and she’s not sure why. She does pretty well, but she loses. The magic of the Olympics is that we get to pretend that winners and los- ers are both reflections of the human condition. How you do reflects you, and pretty much only you — your luck, your training, and even your biology.