In the above diagram , PC1 is connected to a port which is a member of VLAN 2 on the switch and PC2 is connected to a port which is a member of VLAN 3 on the switch . Can PC1 ping PC2 ?
PC1 and PC2 are connected to ports which are members of different VLANs . When PC1 initiates an ARP request to find the mac-address of PC2 ( since both reside on the same network ), the ARP request would not reach PC2 , since broadcasts in one VLAN would not be sent to a different vlan . So , though the computers reside on the same network , the communication would not be successful .
Question 9
A network has to be designed for an organization . The organization has 5 departments each of which has different network addresses , which require communication with each other . What strategy and technology can be used for achieving the same ?
The organization can use a VLAN based network , where different VLANs can be created and mapped with specific IP network addresses of the departments . Inter routing can be configured for communication between the networks . When inter vlan routing is used , just a single interface on the router is required , When VLAN is not used , 5 physical interfaces on the router are required .
Question 10 How does a router forward an IP packet to appropriate destination ? Explanation
When a router receives an IP packet , it looks into the destination IP address in it . The router then checks its routing table to look for corresponding routing entries for the network address of the destination IP address . For ex :, if the destination IP
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