address is , the router checks in the routing table if a matching route entry is available for the network / 24 . The router forwards the packet to the appropriate interface on which the network is connected or aware of the destination . If not available , the packet is dropped .
Question 11
What does a switch do , when it is unaware of the destination mac-address in a frame ?
The switch would flood the frame to all ports , apart from the port on which the frame was received . Once the response is received , the switch would add the source mac-address in the response frame to its mac-address table relevant to the port which sent the response .
Question 12
A switch has built its mac-address table dynamically . The switch is powered off and re-booted after some time . Would the info in the mac-address table be available after re-boot ?
The info in the mac-address table would not be available since it would be cleared on a re-boot .
Question 13
What is the fundamental difference between classful and classless routing protocols ?
In classful routing , there is no concept of subnets . The routing protocol supports only classful addressing like class A , class B , class C etc . In classless routing , subnet mask information is carried inside the routing protocol packets as opposed to classful routing where this information is not available .
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