Nestlé University Catalogue (January to December 2014) | Page 46
Sales 403: The Strategic Negotiator Workshop
Course Description:
The Strategic Negotiator workshop is designed to build on advanced skills by breaking down the
barriers and thinking parameters that can limit the potential of negotiation.
This highly practical workshop covers nine strategies within the context of a model that explores
people, process and power at a level for strategic thinkers and operators – with a range of innovative
and creative approaches to manage all types of negotiations.
Who is this course for?
By invitation only
How long is the course?
This is a 2-day course, in residence.
What should I expect?
• Equips senior executives with advanced tools to handle complex, multi-level negotiations
• Content covers nine strategies that provide a framework for managing all types of situations
• Improves strategic thinking
• Develops specific strategies for your imminent and future negotiations
Pre-course work
Pre-course work emailed 3 weeks prior to the course.
Post-course work
Meet with your Line Manager to discuss and review how these skills tie back to your PDG
development plans and your PE objectives.
How much does it cost: There is no charge for this course.
For further information or to register for this training, please contact:
[email protected]
When is this course running?