Nestlé University Catalogue (January to December 2014) | Page 45

Sales 303: Advanced Negotiations – The Complete Skilled Negotiator Workshop Course Description: This workshop provides the psychology, behaviours and commercial dynamics of negotiation across all business disciplines and sectors. It gives your business a competitive advantage - now, and in the long-term and delivers real behavioural shifts with a positive and measurable impact on your bottom line, ten-fold within three months – guaranteed. Who is this course for? By invitation only How long is the course? This is a 3½-day course, in residence. What should I expect? • Over 70% of the workshop is devoted to hands-on learning • Attendees conduct negotiations and through the use of video analysis identify the appropriateness of the strategies, tactics and behaviours they use Pre-course work Pre-course work emailed 3 weeks prior to the course. Post-course work Meet with your Line Manager to discuss and review how these skills tie back to your PDG development plans and your PE objectives. How much does it cost: There is no charge for this course. For further information or to register for this training, please contact: [email protected] When is this course running? MAY OCTOBER