Nestlé University Catalogue (January to December 2014) | Page 4
Course Information and Booking Process
What Courses are Available?
Welcome to the 2013 Nestlé Canada Course Calendar. This outlines the course offerings for
Corporate and Functional Training (IS/IT, Marketing, Sales, Medical Infant Nutrition Sales,
Supply Chain).
How Do I Book One of These Courses?
The first step is the PE/PDG discussion between yourself and your Line Manager. This discussion
should clarify the training need and define how attending the training course will be supported by
coaching and other on-the-job support (70:20:10 learning principle).
There are then 2 ways of booking depending on the type of course:
Courses by Invitation (Mandatory Courses) – Attendees will be automatically invited to attend
courses which are mandatory due to their job/role, (e.g., Foundations for a Winning Company,
PE/PDG Orientation). Attendees will normally be allocated a date and must make every effort
to attend.
Open Courses – This includes all other Corporate Employee and Management courses. Attendees
can view forthcoming dates and make their bookings in alignment with their PDG development plans
by emailing the contacts listed, subject to Line Manager approval.
What if I Need to Cancel a Booking?
For all courses you need written approval from your Line Manager before you can make
a cancellation.
Cancellation charges commence 4 weeks before the course.
Cancellation fees are 50% of per person cost at 4 weeks before the course, rising to 100% of
per person cost 1 week before the course.
Please note for courses that are free to attend there will be a charge of $50 if you cancel 4
weeks before the course, rising to $100, 1 week before the course.