Nestlé University Catalogue (January to December 2014) | Page 35

GLOBE Brand Planner for System Planners: Section 1 – Entering a Plan Course Description: In this introductory course you will get an overview of the Brand Planner system that we use to plan and manage our marketing budgets. The content covers how and when to enter a plan and activities into the Brand Planner system. We will introduce the theory behind budget planning and conduct a demonstration of the system. You will then have a hands on session where you practice entering a plan into the training environment of the system. Who is this course for? All new Marketers with responsibility for inputting and managing marketing budgets in the system. How long is the course? This is a 3-hour course. What should I expect? By the end of the course you will be able to: • Anticipate the steps you are responsible for in the budgeting process. • Enter a marketing budget into Brand Planner Pre-course work Meet with your Line Manager to discuss and agree learning objectives. Complete pre-work e-learning module (approx. 30 min.) Post-course work Meet with your Line Manager to discuss and review how these skills tie back to your PDG development plans and your PE objectives. How much does it cost: There is no charge for this course. For further information or to register for this training, please contact: [email protected] When is this course running? Throughout the year when there are a minimum of 4 participants.