Nestlé University Catalogue (January to December 2014) | Page 22

Nestlé Canada Values 360° Feedback (By Request) Course Description: 360° feedback is a process that can be instrumental in brining out the best in your leadership. In this experience, you will invite those who you work closely with to provide you with honest feedback to enhance your leadership competencies. You will be taken through a comprehensive report that will help you create a personalized leadership development plan. Who is this for? For Line Managers to receive individual feedback on how well they are modeling the values. What should I expect? By the end of this process you will be able to: • Gain greater insight into strengths and development opportunities when using the Nestlé Value How much does it cost: There is no charge for this process. For further information or to register for this training, please contact: [email protected] When is this process running? As Required.