NEST 2022 | Page 24


Bringing the Dream to Life

Kitchen Views brought seaside ambiance and streamlined storage to this Wrentham home . EDITED BY KERRI TALLMAN | PHOTOGRAPHY BY NAT REA
KITCHEN VIEWS , headquartered at 71 Maple St ., Mansfield , MA , 508-339-8020 , kitchenviews . com
When living on the coast , many families want their home to emulate the serene ocean . This family ’ s wish came true for their Wrentham , Massachusetts home by the design of Mary Jane Robillard of Kitchen Views .
Building your dream home right the first time is a wonderful design journey when guided by an experienced designer . The homeowners were referred by Meridian Custom Homes to Robillard of Kitchen Views at National Building Products in Warwick . She designed cabinetry layouts that make the home eminently functional , with timeless New England style .
New builds can be overwhelming , with countless design decisions to be made for layout , materials , and so much more . Building a dream home will be done right the first time with an experienced designer to provide crucial recommendations for placement of cabinetry and appliances for the best look and flow , plus guide material selections , and offer inspiration