nEo Strategic Plan 2014 June 2014 | Page 3

Direct Marketing – Pass nEo Background Research conducted by Lucent in 2010 revealed that there was an 85% likelihood for children to bank with the financial institutions where their parents banked. In April 2014 a report was generated for existing customers with dependents. This report revealed over 150,000 customers with at least one dependent. Given that there are 59,674 nEo accounts in the system, it can be assumed that there are at least 90,000 customers with children who do not have nEo accounts. Initiative A strong direct marketing approach targeted to these First Citizens customers with children. In the first phase, 30,000 customers will be contacted welcoming them to extend their banking relationship to their children. Given the large data base, messages can be carefully designed for emails, letters and text messages. This invitation will be incentivized for both parents and staff members to encourage the opening of these new accounts. Timelines The July- August period will be best suited for this promotion as most children will be on vacation and will be able to visit the Branches to open their accounts. The suggested time frame is July 7th – August 29th 2014. Action Plan Deliverables Responsibility Dependent Deadlines Updated Data Base Quotation from suppliers for direct messages (SMS, Emails, Letters) Discussion with EBU for online appointments Start Messaging Blast Weekly report for new accounts 2nd Messaging Blast Anthony Kansinally (AK) Lyndon Balkran (LB) ICT External Suppliers, EBU, Streamline Solutions June 23rd June 23rd LB EBU June 18th LB, AK AK External Supplier ICT LB, AK External Supplier July 7th Due Every Friday from July 11th- August 29th August 6th Success Indicators    5,000 new nEo accounts for the period 60% awareness by parents in September Omnibus survey 20% increase in use of online application system Estimated Budget  $18,000