#Nel contagio (cose mai udite) Pratiche da Salasso NEL CONTAGIO | Page 14

#PANIC "organizzazione globale capace di controllare e regolare l'economia e limitare la sovranità degli stati nazionali quando necessario” e uno spostamento coordinato lontano dal mercato. Vede che ciò si agita nella massiccia mobilitazione delle risorse statali per pagare i salari del settore privato, nel nazionalizzare i servizi e dirigere la produzione industriale.» 1 1.PANDEMI'C COVID-19 SHAKES THE WORLD di SLAVOJ ZIZEK'. OR Books. 8 maggio 2020) «That said, Žižek has an inner liberal that stops him from praising China’s leaders – pioneers of the lockdown – for their handling of the crisis. He endorses journalist Verna Yu’s comment that “if China valued free speech, there would be no coronavirus crisis”, in reference to the muzzling of whistleblowers. This disguises an inconvenient truth: as the months pass, China will likely emerge as the most effective superpower at dealing with the pandemic; the comparison with the poorly organised systems centred in Washington and Brussels is already stark. A crisis of legitimacy will follow and in anticipation of this – to find a way out of the binary between an incompetent western barbarism and ruthlessly efficient eastern totalitarianism – Žižek plumbs the present to find the unfolding of a latent “communism”. When Žižek uses the term “communism” he is not talking about the “old-style” states of the 20th century, he tells us, but the necessity for a “global organisation that can control and regulate the economy as well as limit the sovereignity of nation states when needed”, and a coordinated shift away from the market. He sees stirrings of this in the massive mobilisation of state resources to pay private sector wages, nationalise services and direct industrial production.» Sitografia VernaYu. Pandemic in The Guardian© https://www.theguardian.com/books/2020/apr/23/pandemic-by-slavoj-zizek-review-the-philosopher-provides-hissolution