Child Enrichment Services - Elyria & Lorain
Every day as parents settle their children in, as they begin their day of work or school, they have
the comfort of knowing their children are being dropped off into the loving hands of the staff of
Neighborhood Alliance Child Enrichment Services Center Lorain childcare center.
The Child Enrichment Service Lorain is very proud of its three star rated program that hosts an
Early Enrichment Program specifically designed to lessen the literacy gap that stigmatizes low
income children from their peers who may come from more economically advantaged families, when
entering Kindergarten. This Early Learning Initiative coupled with the Teaching Strategies Gold
Curriculum and continuous education for staff, ensures that the children who attend the childcare
center are given additional academic support when indicated.
In an anonymous survey done by parents at the Center, parents agreed that their children enjoyed
coming to the center and were highly satisfied with the quality of care provided to their child(ren).
Susan W. states that when she drops her child off “it’s like dropping my daughter off with
family. It gives me a comforting feeling knowing my daughter loves and feels loved by the staff. I
tell people all the time how wonderful it is and to send their kids there.” Kelly S. said that 3 out of
7 of her children have aged out of the programs at the old Cityview site with another aging out soon.
Her twins and infant also attend the childcare facility.
It was discovered that two of the parents of toddlers that attend the Center were cared for there
as children and now have their children enrolled. Again both stated it was like sending their children
to be cared for by aunts.
Our child care facilities also offer a comprehensive Summer Enrichment Program. This summer
program includes weekly themes, academic enrichment activities, field trips, water fun and positive
role models. The teachers and aides bring fun and experience to the daily activities. In addition,
each child that attends the center is given breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack.