Neighborhood Alliance Annual Report Annual Report 2015 | Page 10

Senior Enrichment-Services of Oberlin Evidence-based, health self-management education programs (SME) were delivered to an open community base of seniors and caregivers in the areas of pain management, diabetes, chronic disease, and improving balance and fall prevention. People with chronic conditions are challenged in managing their health and navigating the health care system; it can be overwhelming. Their challenges increase with the number of chronic conditions. SME programs focus on preparing people with chronic conditions for the 99% of the time they live outside of the health care system. Each 6 to 8 week program had 12-15 participants immersing themselves in the weekly class topics and group interaction. They learned new ideas and supported each other, making achievable action plans to do the things they wanted, and equipped members to respond to their condition(s) with proven ways to enhance their lifestyle and allow them to be in control. Each class “graduated” 100% of the participants and new friendships and celebrations were a positive benefit of this type of group interaction. The SME teaching models are just one aspect of the Senior Enrichment Services of Oberlin Supportive Programming. In all, 462 unduplicated individuals received Supportive Service assistance; 520 Supportive Service units were completed helping seniors resolve housing & family support issues, help with benefits, and aging challenges during 2015. The long term beneficial impacts that health management workshops have on our participants are positive health outcomes, lasting behavior changes and lower health care costs.