NCT Newsletter | Page 47

Every tiny step builds the foundations to be water confident and love their classes to learning stroke techniques as they develop, so a regular weekly swim is beneficial in so many ways. Babies do not have the physical strength to support their own body weight until they are about 3 years old, which is when they are able to start swimming on the surface. Getting to this level can be attained through steady progression, which starts with short dips and goes through to longer consecutive underwater swims.

You are never too young to enroll, some baby classes such as Baby Swimmers start from as little as 6 weeks old, whilst others will require baby's to be at least 3 months old.

Why not bring your baby swimming! At Baby swimmers we make the classes fun with lots of singing and skill related activities. We use simple actions accompanied by nursery rhymes, such as Humpty Dumpty Sat on the wall, where your baby will sit on the wall then lean forward to splash into the water, turn around and hold on. By repetitively using the command hold on when doing this activity, your baby will learn to do just that and before you know it your little one will be holding on to the side all by themselves, its delightful!

Holding your baby in water is a fantastic bonding experience and rewarding too, as you bond with your baby through interaction and developing trust, letting them float on their backs whilst singing twinkle twinkle little star and looking into their eyes is beautiful. We teach parents to take their baby under water from the very beginning and it fabulous when you get the chance to sit on the bottom of the pool and see your baby swim to you!