NCT Newsletter | Page 46

Swimming is an

essential part of

every child’s well

being, by teaching

babies water safety

as well as giving

them a full workout

which is great for

mind and body.

Research has shown

that early swimming

can benefit your baby,

as physically your

baby will gain greater muscle control and have better hand-eye co-ordination, as well as strengthening their heart and lungs. Alertness is also improved through word association and responding to a cue such as reach, reach, reach, whilst they are looking at and reaching for toys which also helps to stimulate the natural movement of their arms and legs.

This is also a fantastic way to spend time with your baby, from the moment you take them into water at about 6 weeks old and form a bond with them through eye contact as well as singing and playing. This follows on to them splashing around having fun and reaching for toys and soon leads on to them holding on and turning to swim to you and jumping into the water all by themselves.

special Feature Article:

Come Swimming, Be Safe,

Have Fun! By Tracie MArgo

of Baby Swimmers

Baby Swimmers