NCT First steps newslettersummer17 | Page 5

Summer Party and General Meeting Summer wine tasting s Don’t miss our fantastic summer party on 24th June 2-4pm at St Lukes Parish Hall, Morley Hill (note - not the church!). We will have two fantastic taster sessions from Jo Jingles and Tiny Talk as well as raffle and refreshments. Only £2 per fam- ily, tickets can be purchased online here. At the same event we will hold our general meeting, this will just be a quick chance to hear about the work we have done locally to support parents and won’t take very long. Entry is free for bumps! Come along and enjoy an evening of fine wines and nibbles. Find a new favourite for summer and have a great night out. We will taste between 8-12 wines and learn a little something about them as we do. Hosted by Clive from Passion 4 Wine. For people who want to enjoy a night out with others, but not drink, a cheaper ticket is also available. Tickets are £20 per person for the event (making each glass a maxi- mum of £1.60 - what value!) and in- cludes wine, water and light nibbles. They can be purchased online here Please book by 1st July so that the wines can be ordered. Nearly New Sale We will hopefully be running the next sale in October/ November time. Please do subscribe to our Facebook events section to be kept up to date.