NCT First steps newslettersummer17 | Page 11

. Nearly New sale coordinator NCT Nearly New Sales are the backbone of branch fundraising, an important service to new parents and parents-to-be and fun! We need someone who is happy to organise the venue, have an over- view of what needs to be done on the day. We have NNS helpers so you will not be alone! Time commitment varies, when no sale is planned nothing is needed, in the 8 weeks running up to a sale about 2 hours per week and 5 on the day. We currently run two sales per year and are well established in our location. We would be aim- ing to start setting up the next sale towards end of August 2017. Group hosts Become an Open House Morning host and hold monthly coffee mornings for new and second-time mums. The Coffee Mornings are informal get togeth- ers which are invaluable in allowing new mums to meet other mums in their area. We are also looking for hosts to help cover our Bumps and Babies, this can be done on a rota so you don’t need to commit every week! Time commitment: 2-4hrs per month and meetups can be organised at your convenience in a local coffee shop Publicity officer Love social media? This role helps to keep our events and any infor- mation published on our Facebook, Twitter and any other websites we can think of (mumsnet etc). Also helps to design the events flyers, although we do have templates from head office. On average 1-2 hours each time an event is planned. Newsletter Editor We publish an electronic magazine to our members 1 per quarter (although if you wanted to we can publish more!). We are looking for someone who would like to collate the articles and lay out the maga- zine. This is around 5 hours per quarter.