Branch chair
This role helps to coordinate the activities in the branch , organise meetings , welcome new volunteers and act as a link between the branch and community . Due to data protection rules the branch chair does need to be a member but a reduced membership option is available for volunteers .
Time commitment 2 hours per week on average — sometimes more when an event is on or welcoming new volunteers
Parent Support
This is a core role in the branch , the parent support officer welcomes new members into the area and organises volunteers to attend classes so that we can let them know about the branch and activities . The parent support role also has an overview on our regular activities so that they can be the contact for new parents . Due to data protection rules the parent support does need to be a member but a reduced membership option is available for volunteers .
Time commitment is on average 2 hours every couple of weeks . First Aid coordinator
Organise and greet people on our popular first aid courses . These are run every other month .
Time commitment about 1-2 hours per month Dads Groups
We are looking for a dad to start up this much-needed group to support local dads .. We can help you with promotion and finding a venue for this new group .
Time commitment : one 2hr session a week or month .