Navigating Pulmonary Fibrosis Navigating Pulmonary Fibrosis | Page 22

NAVIGATING PF Questions to Ask Your Doctor About Pulmonary Fibrosis Your pulmonologist (lung doctor) and medical team is very important in the management of your disease and your symptoms. Providers are there to help you. Here are some questions to ask your doctor: 20 • • • • • • What kind of tests should I expect each time I come to the doctor? • • • Do you recommend oxygen therapy? What kind? How often do I need to use it? • How often will I need follow up testing to monitor the progress of the disease? Which tests do you want me to have? • • • • • Am I a candidate for medical therapies (medications)? Which one(s)? • When do we need to discuss end-of-life issues, including hospice care? What are the results of each test? What do they mean about my PF? What kind of PF do I have? What are the best treatment options for this form of PF? Do you know what may have caused my PF or is it idiopathic (unknown cause)? Do you recommend pulmonary rehabilitation? If so, where do you recommend I go to get it? What are the symptoms I should watch for to catch an exacerbation or flare-up early? Who should I contact if I am having worsening symptoms, new symptoms, or other health problems? Are there clinical trials I can participate in? Should I be referred to a center with expertise in diagnosis and treating PF? What kind of support groups are there locally? What kind of palliative care is available to me, and how will it help me as the disease progresses?