Nature-Based Solutions Manual for Kiawah Island Nature-Based Solutions Catalogue (R 1_2023) | Page 112

This protocol describes the installation of a steel rod with a receiver for attachment of a SET arm , which is an optional technique that is not required for restoration monitoring . The SOP provides a methodology for installing stainless rod and encasing it with cement . Following successful installation , the top of the steel rod should be several inches above the ground surface . This rod will provide the stationery reference point ( benchmark ) from which to reference marsh surface and water level elevations .
Figure 53 . ( Left ) Rod installed into excavated hole in the marsh ( Right ) Rod with PVC “ collar ” filled with cement
Guidelines for Elevation Monitoring
Surveying techniques need to be used to provide accurate information for determining differences in elevation (~ cm of change ) from a benchmark to each permanent plot . Differential level surveying using laser or optical surveying devices mounted on a tripod is recommended to provide consistent results over time from the benchmark . If none are available , one should be installed using the aforementioned guidelines for establishing benchmarks . Marsh surface elevation can also be obtained with RTK GPS units , which will provide best results with a permanent benchmark .
The leveling rod / rover pole should be placed in the center of the plot . If the sediment on site is very soft , it is recommended to use a small item placed on the sediment surface to keep the leveling rod from sinking in the mud while you take your reading . The lid of a Tupperware container or wooden plank works well . If you do this , be sure to use it on all plots throughout the site .