Nature-Based Solutions Manual for Kiawah Island Nature-Based Solutions Catalogue (R 1_2023) | Page 111

Additional consideration should be placed on measuring the height of vegetation within the quadrats , as well as taking a numeric count of each plant species . This will provide additional metrics for other research and monitoring needs .
Figure 52 . Estimating percent cover at permanent sampling location along transect . Take care to walk on the opposite side of transect tape to avoid inadvertently standing in plot when setting up transect tape ( NFWF , 2019 ).
General guidelines for Benchmarking
Capturing the changes over time through quantitative measurements and monitoring provides information about the success of restoration and enhancement projects post installation . The guidelines below outline how to establish benchmarks which will serve as static points within the marsh to conduct assessments . These guidelines are relevant for capturing measurements as it relates to elevation changes and water level .
A benchmark should be established in a fixed location using materials that can withstand saltwater conditions found on site . A practice acceptable to NFWF monitoring standards is to drive a steel rod at least 5 feet into the ground and encase it in concrete ( see Figure 53 on the following page ). A benchmark should be established for at least every acre where there is an installed project . Additional information about installing benchmarks for these and additional assessments can be found in a protocol developed by The National Park Service for monitoring surface elevation and water depth . It is referred to as Standard Operating Procedures 3 ( SOP : 3 ) for installing an RSET station in the following natural resource report :
Lynch , J . C ., Hensel , P ., & Cahoon , D . R . ( 2015 ). The surface elevation table and marker horizon technique : A protocol for monitoring wetland elevation dynamics ( No . NPS / NCBN / NRR — 2015 / 1078 ). National Park Service . https :// irma . nps . gov / DataStore / Reference / Profile / 2225005
FALL 2022