Naturally Unnatural Issue #7 6th June 2017 | Page 7
Issue #7, 6th June 2017
The history of Brit-
ish involvement in
the Middle-East
Britain has played a signif-
icant role in stirring re-
sentment in the Middle-
East for over a century. A
cause of the extremism we
face today.
By Matthew Clifton
The Manchester attack has stirred re-
sentment from those who don’t fully
understand the issues of radicalisation.
22 people died after Salman Abedi deto-
n ated an explosive device at an Ariande
Grande concert at the MEN arena Mon-
day night. Country-wide grief has fall-
en upon the UK with many understand-
ably angry responses, but we mustn’t
make rash decisions as a country or a
explained through one article alone but to
summarise, it was our involvement in the
middle-east that sowed the seeds of con-
flict; some continue to this day. That con-
flict has directly led to the rise in Islamic
extremism. In 1915, the British govern-
ment made a deal with Russia in secret
over the Ottoman Empire, this meant that
the British would lay claim to central Per-
sia, including Mesopotamia, which was
known to be oil rich. The agreement sig-
nalled an alliance change as Britain prom-
ised away territory it was initially defend-
lished by the British, with the country
gaining independence on October 3 rd ,
1932. According to the terms of the Anglo-
Iraqi treaty in 1930, Britain retained a mili-
tary presence and had agreed to train
Iraq’s army. However, these military ba-
ses were a breeding ground for resent-
ment towards British presence, this was
amplified through newer nationalist offic-
1958, saw a vicious revolt with the Hashe-
mite Royal family and politicians swept
aside, thus creating the Republic of Iraq.
This was then ruled by a series of military
1914 saw the Ottoman side with Germany and civilian governments for the next two
and declare war against France, Russia
decades, until Saddam Hussein became
and Britain. Britain decided that the Otto- the Iraqi dictator. His authoritarian tactics
man Empire was a threat to the British Em- and ability to hold onto power had sup-
pire, eventually taking down the Ottoman pressed regional, sectarian revolts. How-
Empire and occupying territories that lat- ever, in 2003, the American led but British
er became Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Palestine -supported invasion, which saw Saddam
and Trans-Jordan. In 1916, Britain encour- Hussein toppled, led to renewed sectarian
aged the Great Arab revolt against the
violence and resentment that had been
Turks by promising Arab independence, growing for nearly a century, with groups
upon victory the allies failed to provide
such as al-Quaida and its affiliates (ISIL)
full independence placing them under
gaining support.
British and French control under the Trea-
ty of Versailles.
Theresa May responded by upping the
security level to ‘critical’ meaning that
they are expecting an attack ‘imminently’.
Other leading causes of the conflicts and
Deploying armed police and military to
extremism we see today, include the par-
every major city, with most deployed in
tition of Palestine in 1947. Plus, the Sykes-
Picot agreement, which was signed in se-
British historical in-
cret by Britain, Russia and France. This
agreement would see most of the Arab
regions controlled by the Ottoman Empire
During this difficult period for everyone
divided up and placed under the control
involved, they will all face uncomfortable of the French and British. This agreement
questions and truths. The most poignant
was signed in secret without the
one being, why would a 22-year old com- knowledge of the Arabs, under the as-
mit such an atrocity? Plus, why do we re-
sumption that they would be better off
spond in such a unifying manner with
under European control.
Western nations but others we ignore?
We have seen multiple attacks across Eu- Britain in Iraq
rope within the last 3 years or so and eve-
Perhaps the most damaging was Britains
ry single one is tragic and the violence is
role in Iraq, and appetite for oil, trade and
horrific but further understanding why
transportation overshadowed the concern
these attacks occur is required.
for the communities within the region. In
The complexities of the region cannot be 1921, the Hashemite monarchy was estab-
History and our involvement has led to
resentment throughout the Middle-East
and without a change in policy, we will not
have any success in fixing the problems
that we have made. Radicalisation hap-
pens through disillusionment and the guy
who committed the atrocity was radical-
ised by using language to empower him
and make him feel wanted. They create a
kind of support network, where they
‘understand’ individuals to mould them
into ‘martyrs’.
The effects radicalisation has on families is
awful, and Jihadists are lost in more ways
than one. There were 23 lives lost on that
evening and each one could have been
prevented almost a century ago. It is time
as a nation we took responsibility for our
actions and not blame other cultures, but
worked with them to combat the nature of