Naturally Unnatural Issue #6 20th May 2017 | Page 4
Issue #2, 22 nd April
Why does rhetoric
overwhelm fact dur-
ing an election?
By Matthew Clifton
Labour’s manifesto draft was leaked
and much was being made of the poli-
cies. But there was a significant
amount of speculation surrounding it
and much of the media tried to analyse
the content. However, this was the
draft and the final copy was released
this week. Whilst most of the content is
largely the same as the draft, there
was less about costing within the draft.
This led to media rhetoric about fund-
ing rather than focusing on the positive
Why does the population question how
Labour will fund their policies and the
Conservatives are largely allowed to run
with a blank cheque? Despite the evi-
dence that suggests Labour have been
fiscally more reliable than the Conserva-
tives throughout history.
If we take two examples from Conserva-
tive policy and Labour policy. Theresa
May announced that they would scrap the
1983 Mental Health Act and replace it
plus, employ a further 10,000 mental
health staff. However, those who are cam-
paigners and experts have stated that it is
underfunding rather than bad legislation.
The Conservatives have failed to provide
any idea of how it’ll be costed as well but
it was met with widespread positivity
from the public. The only form of funding
they have mentioned is the an apparent
£1.4bn ‘real-term’ rise in funding except
this is neither provable nor disprovable.
The rise in ‘real-term’ funding is merely
conjecture and other NHS policies will
have an impact on whether this rise will
happen plus current NHS funding means
there will be no real term rise by
2018/19. If it does happen, then the Con-
servatives are saying “we can afford this”
and if that is the case why is there harsh
cuts on the health services and austerity
being pushed onto the most vulnerable
Trident is another pointless system that
we spend vital resources on, at what
point should it be used? The last resort?
Ask yourself, what is the last resort?
You’ll find that the last resort is often
when it is too late, why waste public mon-
ey on a pointless system, when it can be
put to better use.
been along the lines of “taxing the hard-
est workers and allowing the lazy to get
all the benefits”. This is tired rhetoric that
is still being pushed and believed by
many, despite overwhelming evidence
against the notion. If you earn £80,000 or
more, you are in the to 5% of earners.
Conservatives have promised very few
policies that include repealing the ban on
fox hunting. A blood-sport that is played
by those who have privilege and money,
it is not a countryside sport. Theresa May
said she liked fox-hunting, is it any won-
You will also find that when the Con-
der that a woman who happily declares
servative government wanted to commit
she likes blood-sport, would be involved
to further wars, they find the money to do
in a government that has seen measures
so and give large tax cuts to big corpora-
implemented by her colleagues at the
tions. Labour on the other hand have stat-
DWP be directly linked to deaths of indi-
ed that they would create a national edu-
viduals. Is it a surprise in 2014 as Home
cation service, ban 30+ class sizes, re-
Secretary she lost 114 files linking MPs to
move adult learner fees and bring back
child sex abuse?
student grants. Paid through reversing
corporate tax cuts and raising it to 26 per People will happily remember Diane Ab-
bott’s mistake on live radio where she got
cent. They have also promised that 95%
of earners will not receive a tax rise, this a figure mixed up but later corrected her-
means that if you earn less than £80,000 a self. But forget the 48,000 students that
Theresa May wrongly deported or her
year, you will not receive a tax rise.
introduction of the Snoopers Charter, that
These policies are costed, the latter is self allows unprecedented access to the pub-
-funded but received negative response lics web browsing history by police, se-
curity services and official agencies. This
from many the public. When did it be-
come acceptable to push the tax burden doesn’t clarify the extent of who can ac-
cess the data. Theresa May’s mistakes
onto those who earn the least in society
have had a human impact but the public
whilst affording the largest corporations
would rather forget that because she is
massive tax breaks and funding wars
‘strong and stable’.
abroad. A lot of public comments have