Naturally Unnatural Issue #6 20th May 2017 | Page 3

Issue #2, 22 nd April Conservatives target pensioners with social care policy ...continued from page 1 As previously mentioned the Conserva- tives have pledged to get rid of winter fuel allowance from rich pensioners, this will kick up a fuss with the traditional Conservative voter but is largely a token gesture to dampen the blow on the sec- ond policy. The wording is purposefully misleading, to recap, the policy is to re- move the upper limit on what people can be expected to pay for their care. What does this mean? When you go into care if your capital is worth £23,250 and above, you must pay 100% of your care fees. However, if your Rising cost of elec- tricity is a major fac- tor in the rise of infla- tion capital is between £14,250 and £23,250 it would mean you are entitled to assistance with funding but the local authority will consider this income, this is the same if your capital is above the £23,250 thresh- old but over time decreases below this. If you are below the £14,250 then the local authority will not take into the income when deciding how much assistance you need. owners. The policy was only sustainable through removing an overall cap of costs payable by those who need care, mean- ing private companies can charge what they want, and reducing the value of es- tates that can be passed on through in- heritance. It was reported that "the Conservatives will attempt to soften the blow by promis- ing that pensioners will not have to sell their homes to pay for their care costs The Conservative policy will raise the while they or a surviving partner are higher threshold to £100,000, but will also alive. Instead, products will be available include for the first time, the value of allowing the elderly to pay by extracting homes. If you have assets worth more equity from their homes, which will be than £100,000 then you will have to pay recovered later when they die or sell for care, which is the majority of home- their residence". pay around £115 less each year. Between 2008 – 2016 switching to A-rated fridge- freezers, ditching incandescent bulbs and switching to condensing boilers, One of the main contributors to the rise in found the average household save £290. inflation, is the rising cost of electricity. Plus, the increase in the cost of clothing, Fitting energy efficiency measures is rel- Energy costs, in particular car tax and air fares are to blame for the atively cheap, however, the Conserva- highest rise of inflation in 3 and a half tives have largely failed or cut funding for electricity has played a years. energy efficiency programmes. This is major role in the increase major contributor to rise in energy costs. The rising cost of electricity and energy Whomever is installed as the next Prime of inflation to its highest is down to the Big 6 energy companies level in 3 and a half years, holding 84% of the market despite appar- Minister, they will need to focus bringing the prices of energy down. Investment with higher increases ex- ent competition. The sector needs an in- into the renewable sector, increase the crease in competition and publicly ac- availability of publicly accountable com- pected over the summer. countable companies. Those within the panies, the best example is Nottingham’s sector warned that the cap will decrease By Matthew Clifton Robin Hood Energy, which is cheaper profits for the Big 6 and will lead to job than the Big 6 on average. losses and increase the prices for con- Today has seen inflation rise to 2.7%, sumers. However, this has been dis- They are a not-for-profit energy company exceeding the Bank of England (BoE) run by Nottingham city council and were missed by most experts and even the forecasts of 2.6 and has increased launched in 2015, the first nationalised Conservatives acknowledge prices are drastically compared to the previous energy company since 1948. The next month of 2.3. But what are the reasons exuberant. government must focus on training peo- that this could’ve happened and what Unfortunately, a cap would only be tem- ple within the sector, particularly as the does this mean? The rise of inflation Conservatives plan to push forward with porary and once it ends, prices will rise means the cost of goods will increase. the reduction of immigration below again and return to the status quo. The The BoE last week previously forecast 100,000. Focus more funding on innova- only real long-term solution to energy that inflation would peak at 2.7% in the prices is to invest in innovation and tech- tion within the renewable sector and in technology to improve efficiency. summer, however, the Office of Na- nology. Industry leaders admit that ener- tional Statistics said that producer out- gy efficiency is the reason why people put price inflation was above 3% and would likely to increase over the sum- mer. 3