Natural Muscle November 2016 Celebrating 21 Years This Month! | Page 35

What do you do for a living ? I live in San Antonio , Texas and I Own and Operate Younique Physique a Private fitness and wellness studio . I offer one on one training , small group training , fitness classes and in studio and online coaching . I also hold nutrition and other educational workshops on health , wellness & fitness for the public .
Who would you like to want to thank ? My mom , for always being there for me when I need help . My awesome group of clients that are so encouraging and supportive . And most importantly , God , for blessing me continually so that I can do what I love to do everyday , which is to make a difference .
What is your passion ? My passion , without a doubt , is helping people become healthier , value themselves more , and empowering them to aspire to greatness . I love teaching nutrition and healthy living and fitness . Hearing and seeing my clients ’ successes make me tick and continues to inspire me !
What don ’ t the readers know about you ? I am an introvert . So if you see me , come introduce yourself because I am pretty shy until I know you . Then I might talk your ear off ! You would probably never know it , but I have to give myself a pep talk before getting onstage or speaking in groups !
How did you become involved in fitness ? Initially I wanted to stay in shape while I helped others get in shape . Once I started training clients and saw the impact it had on their lives , it became my passion . Shortly after college , I was hired at a gym and given 90 days to get certified . I had no idea I wanted to do this for a career but it turned out to be my purpose . Four years after certification , my vision outgrew the corporate gym setting and I opened my own training studio and never looked back .
Competition / Achievements ? Most Recent 2014-2015 Ms . Fit American Beauty , 2015 2nd Place WBFF OKC Bikini Tall , 2014 WBFF Kansas City 3rd Figure Model , 2014 WBFF OKC 3rd Fitness Model 2015 Published Feature with Status Fitness
How have you contributed to the fitness industry ? I have been training for over 16 years and have been in the industry for over 20 . I have competed , trained , written articles , volunteered , been published , and coached many success stories . I think that counts for something !
What are you doing that makes you the happiest ? Helping people achieve their goals , teaching them how to live healthier , happier lives through healthy choices and living .
What did you think of your first competition ? Training for my first competition was life-changing . My very first show was in 2002 , when figure had a one-piece round ! That show pulled out qualities I didn ’ t know I had , which have contributed to my success in all areas of my life . It was an awesome feeling to walk on stage and present all of my hard work over the previous months . But the best memory I have is when I came back after over four years to compete in the first WBFF show in Kansas City in 2012 . It was nice feeling like you were part of a show rather than a cattle call . I have loved competing with the WBFF .
What ’ s one thing you would like to improve about yourself ? Taking more time for myself is one thing everyone gets on me about , so I am making some changes to make that happen . It ’ s hard to make time to focus on my training like I want lately because I spread myself so thin by putting my business , family , and relationships first . Last cheat food ? I kind of wrote that vocabulary out of my nutrition plan . It ’ s always healthy , after all . Gluten-free , dairy-free , soy-free - that ’ s how I live . But I sure did have some amazing gluten-free french toast after my photoshoot with you , Coach A !
When you are “ in the pits ” and the “ going gets tough ”, what or who gets you through ? Honestly , being alone to reflect , pray , refocus , and plan is what gets me through and back on track quicker than anything . No one knows or understands me like me !
What do you see that is good in fitness today ? So many more people are into fitness these days than when I got into the industry . There are so many people inspiring others through social media and so many more options and opportunities to choose from .
What needs to change in fitness today ? I think “ Beast Mode ” needs to become balanced . Instant gratification has a payoff later that comes with side effects like metabolic damage and other health issues . You can only burn the candle for so long before it quits , and it takes a lot of knowledge and patience to get your body working properly again . It seems there are a lot of people who get into fitness , get lean and do a show , then try to be a “ pro ” and they teach everyone the same way , and they end up causing more harm than good . There is so much information and everyone is so different , has different needs and goals , so be careful who you trust with your health and body !
Favorite : Body part : Back Book : The Notebook Movie : Pretty Woman TV Program : Tonight Show Actor : Matthew McConaughey Actress : Julia Roberts Athlete : Tim Duncan Workout : Shoulders / arms Animal : Horse Quote : “ Aspire to Greatness … Always !” -Sonya Roemisch
Sum up your philosophy of fitness in one sentence . I think fitness is when you find that one place of balance where you can maintain the state of being fit and healthy through exercise , nutrition , and lifestyle .
How do you want to be remembered ? I want to be remembered as inspirational , humble , and as someone who never gave up and always tried her best to practice what she preached to others : “ Aspire to Greatness … Always !”
Final thought : Thank you so much Coach A for this opportunity to be published and be part of your world ! You are helping me expand my reach and continue to fulfill my purpose !
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