Natural Muscle November 2016 Celebrating 21 Years This Month! | Page 33

BADASS to Badass, available on Twitter @tiffanylgaston IG @tiffanyleegaston FB Tiffany Lee Gaston @ratherbeabadass Dave Laus photo repercussions. Ultimately, discovering the beauty of women that looked more like my athletic build enabled me to find peace within and grasp my own identity in this world. Once I learned how to focus on my health and body image in a positive light and stop the comparison game, I found my authentic self. Sadly, I would move on from my body and food issues and then dive head first into a very mentally and physically abusive relationship in my late teens. The confusion of control equaling love and the painful backlash I suffered, in more ways than one, would test my faith and challenge me in new ways. The belief I had my own confidence was another delusion I found myself living as I sought the approval of a man that treated me as a possession. I fearfully left him after years of having my selfesteem flattened and ultimately harbored anger and resentment in other relationships because of the unhealthy one I endured with him. One of the greatest challenges I faced was the fear of sharing my flaws with others. Given the perception many have of me, I felt a certain sense of responsibility to share what lies beneath the surface and be completely raw. For me, I know this is where my healing comes full circle and it is my hope that I can empower others with my story. We all have inner struggles, but when you release those parts of you, you are able to help many and to free yourself. The healing comes from acceptance, forgiveness and release. Being able to look back at how far I’ve come has given me the power of a self-confidence I’ve never known. When you fully embrace your strengths and let go of the negative self-speak, you can only rise. There has never been a better time to be fit, strong and healthy and I hope I can be that example for my young daughters and any woman or man that needs the encouragement. Let go of what you cannot change and share what incredible gifts you have with the world. After all, the things that make us different can become our greatest strengths. Embrace your inner badass. It lives within us all! Read more about my past struggles with disordered eating and domestic abuse in my book, From Broken 33