Natural Muscle November 2016 Celebrating 21 Years This Month! | Page 28

PROFILE MELANOMA: A BLESSING IN DISGUISE A Conversation with Elizabeth Aguilera By SJ McShane TELL ME A LITTLE ABOUT YOURSELF? I am a melanoma survivor, holistic health coach, certified trainer, proud military spouse and work as a marketing director for North East Florida’s largest gym chain, Bailey’s Health Fitness. I also work with Sunwarrior as a writer and ambassador for the company. I am nationally qualified with the NPC and a published fitness model. I am originally from the Chicago land area and currently reside in Pensacola, FL. I love to travel and my passion is health and fitness. I aspire to help as many people as possible in their journey to their healthiest self. HOW DID YOU GET INTO FITNESS? After I was diagnosed with Melanoma in 2012, I decided life is to short to wait to begin my goals. I had a list of thing I wanted to do that terrified me and I set out to accomplish them. This included visiting other countries, graduating from Purdue, becoming a personal trainer and beginn ing fitness competiton. WHAT WERE YOU LIKE BEFORE FITNESS? I found it through a regular check-up from my doctor. I was traveling for college and my husband was getting ready to leave for deployment so I visited our naval hospital for a recap physical. I had no clue I had melanoma. My doctor saw a small dark mole on my left thigh and immediately knew it was something. She had it removed that week and sure enough it was cancer. CAN YOU DESCRIBE THAT CANCER? It is a surface cancer which in a way, is a blessing, because like breast cancer, skin cancer is easy to find since you can see or feel it, where as other cancer you cannot. I visit my doctors every 3-4 months for body mapping, blood work and testing to monitor it. The doctors say, once you have melanoma you will never get rid of it. You have to monitor it and remove any areas that may grow on the body. This ensures it will not spread to the lymphatic system or vital organs. I did not have any cancer spread. I’ve had 8 areas removed on my body and since changing my diet, I have had zero. DID YOU TRY ANY TRADITIONAL THERAPIES, LIKE CHEMO? No, I only changed my diet. Whole plant based foods have the power to heal the body. If not, why? I believe cancer treatments are only a Band-Aid to the true problem. When healing the body, you need to heal the root of the problem. Chemotherapy, in my opinion damages the already weakened immune system. I’ve learned of many people who have healed melanoma through G erson Therapy and high raw vegan diets. If it worked for them, I knew it could work for me. HOW DID YOU GET INTO NATURAL FOODS/VEGAN? WHAT WAS YOUR METHOD OF HEALING? After I was diagnosed with melanoma, I had a period of about 2.5 years where I had 8 total areas. D uring this time I had a very healthy whole foods diet that consisted of alot of lean animal protein such as fish, chicken and egg whites. During this time my cancer was very aggressive and would keep coming back. My liver enzymes were elevated and I had fatigue and horrible digestion. I learned that the animal protein I was consuming was very high in the amino acid, methionine and cancer needs methionine to thrive. I decided to try a vegan/ plant based diet to help stop the melanoma and it worked. Since changing my diet I have not had any new areas and my blood work stabilized. My diet consisted of mainly of veggie and fruit juices and whole plant based foods. I cut out caffeine and stimulants. 28 Natural Muscle Magazine WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY ABOUT THE VEGAN DIET AND NATURAL HEALING? It has given my body a second change and also helped me grown mentally and spiritually. It saved my life. My training is now better, my recovery is faster and it is very easy to stay in shape. November 2016 Celebrating 21 Years! 3 Foods To Eva Simon photo I’ve always loved sports. I was involved in softball, cheerleading and track when I was in school. I found my love for bodybuilding around 2012 when I signed up for my first competition. This taught me dedication and helped me gain confidence in all areas of my life. It taught me that the mind will always fear leaving the comfort zone, but without that leap of faith and courage to continue and fight for progress, growth will not happen. ust like in training, we grow from failure. Having melanoma has changed my life for the better. It was a blessing in disguise. I learned to appreciate my health and fight for what I wanted in life. It taught me to become the person I’ve always aspired to be. WHEN DID YOU FIND OUT YOU HAD MELANOMA? PLEASE GIVE US AN EXAMPLE OF A TYPICAL DAY FOR YOU WITH YOUR DIET. Meal 1 G reen juice combining Sunwarrior Ormus G reens, 1 lemon, 1 apple, 3 stalk of celery, 2 inches of ginger and a handful of sinanche Meal 2 Smoothie with Sunwarrior protein powder, 1 banana, 2 cups of berries, almond milk and flaxseed Meal 3 6 oz sweet potato, 3/4 cup of beans 1/4 avocado and 3-4 cups of veggies Meal 4 Hummus with veggies or a few pieces of fruit with a handful of almonds Meal 5 Large rainbow salad with lots of raw veggies and 1 cup of sprouted chick peas with another fresh pressed juice like carrot, apple or orange juice.