Natural Muscle November 2016 Celebrating 21 Years This Month! | Page 27

Each month we feature Tri-Fitness athletes who have competed and performed at the highest level. What is an athlete? Well, a Tri-Fitness athlete is one who demonstrates strength (bench press), speed (obstacle course , true grit challenge and shuttle run), flexibility (routine), agility (shuttle run and obstacle course), and endurance (box jumps, obstacle course, routine, shuttle and bench). Through a healthy diet (eating as an athlete) and extreme training, these athletes achieve a fit, athletic physique which enables them to succeed in our event. This month we will feature Danielle McGlynn (Tennessee) and Leslie Martin (New York) who achieved success at previous Tri-Fitness World Challenges. Leslie Martin was incredibly humbling knowing that all of my hard work and success was recognized all across the country. After college I continued my education by obtaining a master’s degree in outdoor environmental education at SUNY Cortland. It is here where I developed my passion for helping and teaching others as the graduate assistant coach for the men’s and women’s track field teams, passing on all the knowledge and experience that had made me so successful. Today I use those passions to help teach, coach, and mentor all walks of life across the country to help them reach whatever goals they set for themselves. I am also a fur-mom to a beautiful rescue pup, and recently engaged! BSR: How long have you been doing the Tri-Fitness Challenge and what got you started? BSR: Please tell the r eader s about your self: Leslie: I am a competitor! So much of the success in my life has come through hard work, dedication, and perseverance, most of which I acquired through sport and competition. I developed my love to compete in high school. I was a multi-sport athlete and highly decorated track field athlete. High School was full of accolades, accomplishments and records. One of my most memorable was being the NYS Champion in the Pentathlon. I continued my drive for success in competition by attending SUNY Cobleskill East Stroudsburg University. With my desire to be the best, the support of great coaches and my family, I was a three-time National Champion, earned numerous All-American Honors both (N CAA and NCAA) and many records that still hold today. Being named the NCAA D ivision II East Region Women’s Field Athlete of the Year in 2007 Leslie: 2016 was my first year competing in the Tri-Fitness. I had watched my friend and mentor, Liz Cort, who competed and coached a group. The events and skills were right up my alley. From all the videos, photos and stories I could see how much fun they were having, and I wanted to be a part of those awesome memories. Liz coaches groups from all over, sets many goals, with many different competitions, but this was the one she and others encouraged me to compete in. I am so glad I did! I definitely made so many new friends with memories for a lifetime. Cannot wait for next year! BSR: What do you like best about the Tri-Fitness Challenge? Leslie: I love the diversity of the events and skills. It is an athletes dream. Tri-Fitness is much different than your typical over franchised events; it has a personalized touch thanks to the creator Al Rosen along with the rest of the family of volunteers that make this competition truly a special and unique experience. I was surprised from the moment I signed up at how much this family truly cares about each individual competitor. Their tireless passion to make this the best it can be and the greatest challenge! Thank you all so much- I am hooked! BSR: Would you like to add anything else for our readers? Leslie: “Never forget that every single day that you live, you make a difference, you impact the world.” - Jane G oodall For more information on Tri-Fitness, see – 20th Anniversary Tri-Fitness World Challenge June 2-3, 2017, Tampa, Florida 27