Natural Gas World Magazine Volume 2, Issue 2 | Page 3

Table of Contents
22 ‘ Perfect storm ’ keeps S Europe above Asia
Cold weather and plant maintenance in Algeria have kept gas prices across southern Europe above those for spot LNG in Japan and South Korea for over two weeks .
26 Timera warns of five-year supply glut
24 Texan projects stake claim to medium-term market
This winter has seen prices respond to high demand for gas in Asia and in Europe . But southern France suffers also from a pipeline capacity shortage .
Promoters of Texas-based LNG export projects are making a pitch for investor cash and global market interest , but rival projects are already ahead in the queue .

28 News Articles

28 America
-Exxon , Noble hoover up $ 10bn of US shale leases -Peru ’ s GMP rues Odebrecht pipeline -Magnolia LNG Inks HoA with Indian Firm
31 Companies
-Energean faces uphill struggle -Velocys eyes fast-track , mini-GTL
30 Europe , Middle East & Africa
-National Grid can keep power grid -Siemens Wins Major Iran Order