Natural Gas World Magazine Volume 2, Issue 2 | Page 2

04 Shaking up Europe ’ s gas markets

05 Feature Articles

05 Has the Energiewende run out of steam ?
As the costs of Germany ’ s energy transition mount with politicians keen to show support , many in the real world doubt if it can keep going .
14 Lenders happy with Ghana ’ s OCTP project
The environmental advantages of gas might not need spelling out but public financiers should always consider the unintended consequences of lending .
09 Energiewende ’ s heretics
The Energiewende cannot last indefinitely , according to leading German climate change sceptic and former politician and industrialist Fritz Vahrenholt .
16 Gas exports to soar , says exporters ’ forum
Israeli infighting and also circumstances outside its control have combined to deny the energy importer the chance to become a significant exporter . Time is running out .
10 Socar ends Malta ’ s isolation
Socar has delivered a commissioning LNG cargo to Malta ; it is a part of Azerbaijan ’ s strategy to develop an overseas trading business and put its eggs into more baskets .
18 Iran draws foreign investors into gas , petchems
Last year was a milestone for Iran ’ s gas industry , thanks to the lifting of sanctions in mid-January . This accelerated the development of the country ’ s long-delayed energy projects .
12 Norway expects investment recovery
Strengthening oil prices have encouraged producers to expand their exploration drilling programmes for this year . Those finds will be key to what happens to Norway ’ s output in five years ’ time .
20 PNG biggest hotspot for low cost LNG
Driven by the $ 19bn PNG LNG project , Papua New Guinea ( PNG ) is now a global LNG player , poised to become the largest LNG exporter in Asia after Australia and Malaysia .