Natural Cures Do You Suffer From The Common Cold, Hair Loss, Erectile Natural Cures | Page 2
The Publisher has strived to be
as accurate and complete as
possible in the creation of this
publication, notwithstanding the
fact that she does not warrant
or represent at any time that
the contents within are accurate
due to the rapidly changing
nature of the Internet.
In practical advice books, like
anything else in life, there are
no guarantees of income made.
Readers are cautioned to rely
on their own judgment about
their individual circumstances
to act accordingly.
This book is not intended for
use as a source of legal,
business, accounting or
financial advice. All readers are
advised to seek services of
competent professionals in
legal, business, accounting,
and finance field.
Perceived slights of specific
people or organizations are
You are encouraged to print this
While this guide is meant to provide you with the information
you need to stay healthy naturally, it is highly recommend that
you consult a physician before you begin any form of regime
or follow any of the suggestions in this manual.
If you have any side effects as a result of the following
information, consult a physician immediately.
I am not a doctor, and this publication is provided for informational
purposes only.
Most disease and illness is preventable and curable using
natural substances. It's been said that every ailment we
face as human beings can be remedied with something in
nature. Sometimes it may be bark, leaves, or flowers.
Other times it may be an herb, root, or fungi.
This publication is a compilation of tried and true remedies
that have been handed down through the ages. As many
people are trying to get back to nature and use more raw
materials instead of processed poisons, this guide may
help you with a cure or remedy for something that ails you.
Natural Cures