Natura May - June 2012 | Page 17

WERNER AISSLINGER / LOVE’S GAZEBO içsel yolculuk metaforu temsil edilerek çerçevesi büyük ölçüde bu içsel yüzleşme ve deneyselliğe odaklandı. Tasarım dünyasının kalbinin altı gün boyunca Milano’da attığı Tasarım Haftası’nda etkinlikler şehir merkezindeki Zona Tortona’nın sokaklarında gerçekleştirildi. Thus Spoke the Marble Sergisi’nin mekânı ise Zona Tortona’nın tapınağı haline gelen Superstudio Più Binası oldu. Sergi, Superstudio Più Binası’nın Sanat Bahçesi’nde, 900 metrekarelik açık alandaki dokuz platform üzerinde yapılandırılmış büyüleyici bir alanda ziyaretçileri karşıladı. MERMER VE HAYAT: HER ADIMDA IKISI DE YENIDEN ŞEKILLENIYOR Sergi kapsamında, her tasarımcı hayat yolculuğumuz boyunca bizi şekillendiren duyguları, 12 metrekarelik platformlar üzerine işledi. Tasarımcılar, Anadolu RICHARD HUTTEN / EXCITEMENT an installation that would communicate them. Its symbolic title: ‘Thus Spoke the Marble: The Journey Alters You’ thus invites visitors on a journey of rediscovery, revealing the narrative qualities of the material. As well as being a perfect location for rest and relaxation, it also intends to be a place of insight, discussion, and meditation. The exhibition also hooks onto a tradition of over four thousand years, in which Turkish marble from across Anatolia has been the basic material for great works of art and architecture, from classical antiquity to Byzantine, Ottoman and modern times. It will also illustrate the creative revival that has characterized the country in recent years, and its design and architectural scene in particular. Thus Spoke the Marble: The Journey Alters You was built across nine platforms, each carrying an installation, and linked by wooden and iron pathways, representing the metaphor of the inner journey. The projects exhibited include a ‘Marble Rosarium’ by Berlin-based architect and designer Werner Aisslinger, a stunning arrangement of marble slabs crafted into the shape of flowers and combined into a playful secret garden space, whereas the leading Dutch designer Richard Hutten invited visitors on a somewhat uncomfortable walk inside a crate entirely covered with polychromic marble that reproduces worlds and symbols from the realm of imagination. The Anglo-Spanish duo El Ultimo Grito (Rosario Hurtado and Roberto Feo) has created an installation where visitors could sit or lie down on a gently sloping piece of marble, while James Irvine challenged gravity by MAYIS-HAZİRAN / MAY-JUNE 2012 • NATURA 17