Natura January - February 2014 | Page 41

ZORLU CENTER FENDI MAĞAZASINDA İTALYAN RUHUNU YANSITMAK ÜZERE NAVONA TRAVERTEN TERCIH EDILMIŞ. NAVONA TRAVERTINE IS USED AT ZORLU CENTER FENDI TO COMBINE ITALIAN DESIGN WITH QUALITY. Many international brands apply a standard decoration and design concept to their stores globally to emphasize their corporate identity. Stores in different parts of the world use standardized decoration, lighting, printed materials, advertising campaigns and even shopping bags are part of this common brand identity. These items designed at the corporate headquarters of these large brands provide the high standard of quality and identity of the brand that can be continuously controlled by a centralized corporate mechanism. These types of brands are now in the upswing in Turkey where an increasing number of international brands are opening shops in various shopping centers in Istanbul. The shops of Fendi, Dior, Bulgari, Moncler, Saint Laurent, and Prada recently opened in Zorlu Center are the latest representatives of this trend. Fendi part of the LVMH group opened its second store in Istanbul at Zorlu Center while the interior design concept of the new boutique was also designed in Italy. The new boutique represents a dialogue between Fendi’s Roman heritage and modernity following the same conceptual design of their headquarters in the Fendi Palazzo in Rome. With the use of ‘Navona’ Travertine, the 152m² boutique references Fendi’s tradition of quality and craftsmanship. The vertical travertine plates together with golden glass panels on the façade create a unique yet inviting ambiance. In the interior, Navona travertine is used mostly on the walls as display units instead of flooring. The exceptional use of travertine as shelves, drawers, and as storage spaces create a unified shopping experience in a material closely associated with the brand to emphasize the quality of Fendi. The combination of natural stone with special lighting mimics a museum ambiance in the Fendi store giving the products historical and contemporary impact. OCAK - ŞUBAT 2014 / JANUARY - dT%%T%