Native American Religion in North America Apr.2013 | Page 6



They do this to make their own religion better. In many cases people were not even forced to change to Christianity, they just chose this way. Religion can only be strong if it is based on true belief. If the members’ faith in the particular religion, or God, or spirit weakens, it loses all strengths. In order to keep a religion alive, members of the community have to accept the natural changes that improve faith. According to an elder - whose community used to do snake charming, but now this habit is extinct - “If it was lost it was because we did not need it any more. If we really need it back again, the snakes will teach it to us again” (Britannica). Nowadays, many young people use modern technology to be able to access and acquire knowledge of these religions. Change is the only way to make a religion acceptable for every generation. The researchers of the Native American worldview, customary diet, lifestyle and relics are not only contributing to exploring the ways of this particular faith, along with its many changes and forms, but also helping in shaping our view of religion in general. As it is shown, wanted and forced changes have shaped Native American religions in many ways; transformed them, made them extinct or in some cases developed them into better ones.