The 21st century shape of these religions went through many changes since the European civilization. According to Susan Staiger, Native Americans agree on the fact that the concept of a “religion” is a colonial construct, not a naturally occurring phenomenon (Numen, 159). This is also reinforced by the fact that, as Staiger mentions, Native American religion was not an issue until the second half of the 1800’s.
Reason being most tribes were considered barbaric and living without a religion (Numen, 160). Tribes were destroyed, religions disappeared, ceremonies transformed because of the conquerors and Christianity. There is common misbelief that only these two factors are the reasons for religious changes. In fact, the situation is more complicated. On one side, the coming and conquest of the Europeans was unexpected and had caused many disasters. Entire languages, ceremonies artifacts were lost during that time.
Many people were forced into Christianity, because otherwise they would have died. This way, religions became extinct or transformed to a totally different new one, by mixing the original and the unknown. Because of these mixtures, this was certainly the most hectic era of the Native American people’s life. On the other hand, change and improvement are natural characteristics of every living religion. Believers make innovations, borrow from other religions, and get rid of old-fashioned habits.