Nations Current December 2014 | Seite 7

Matthew Abbott

office(850) 785-2233

mobile(850) 814-8154

[email protected]

No one has a clear picture of the future, but all

evidence suggests that commercial real estate will demonstrate solid risk-adjusted returns and that values and prices will further increase in 2015. (That doesn’t mean they should increase, but it is what the market is doing nonetheless.) The economy is likely to keep slugging along, but at some point, the final leg to this adjustment will take effect, the financial markets will correct, and interest rates will start to increase. But until then, commercial real estate will remain a preferred investment alternative.



Space Type:

Transportation Acccess:

Street Frontage:


2.6 Acres

Commercial Land

2-Lane, Paved, Corner Location

300 Ft. on Harrison Ave. &

184 Ft. on 19th Street

For more information contact

Located near numerous medical practices and Gulf Coast Medical Facility, there is no better location in town for a professional or medical office.

2.6 Acre Commercial Development Site in

Panama City

Darren Haiman

office(850) 785-2233

mobile(850) 814-3662

[email protected]


1901 Harrison Avenue