National Consumer Tribunal Annual Report 2011/12 National Consumer Tribunal 2011-12 | Page 5

In support of its mandate to promote industrial development , enterprise development , employment and economic integration , the dti relies on a group of specialised , regulatory and other development agencies and institutions . The National Consumer Tribunal is one of these . The work of the Tribunal dovetails with that of the National Credit Regulator , the National Consumer Commission , the various Ombuds offi ces , Provincial Consumer Courts and consumer-related industry bodies .
The NCT was established to adjudicate on matters referred to it in terms of the National Credit Act . It contributes to the strategic goals of the dti , in particular in relation to two of its core themes . The fi rst of these is that of broadening participation of previously marginalised groups in the mainstream economy . The second theme is that of regulation , which involves the development and implementation of a framework that facilitates easy access to redress . This is part of another key objective – to create a fair and competitive business environment in South Africa .
The Tribunal ’ s main role is to adjudicate on matters of prohibited conduct . Judgments of the Tribunal set precedents that assist in advancing the growth of fair and non-discriminatory credit provision . Through its work , the Tribunal frees funding for investment and productive activities . It also contributes to the reduction of the compliance burden in the SA economy through its review of the Regulator ’ s decisions in respect of the entities regulated under of the NCA and the CPA , and through constantly reviewing and simplifying its own processes for the adjudication of cases .
That the Tribunal is increasingly fulfi lling this role is clear from the increase in its case load from the previous fi nancial year , both in terms of the number of cases and types of matters before it , and its successful adjudication on these matters . Specifi cally , the increase in the confi rmation of debt rearrangement agreements , the reviews brought by regulated entities against the Regulator , and the number of cases in which the Regulator has brought regulated entities to the Tribunal for enforcement of its decisions , all point to the increasing confi dence with which stakeholders regard the Tribunal and its role as an impartial and credible arbiter .
With the introduction on 1 April 2011 of the Consumer Protection Act , the Tribunal ’ s role will be extended beyond credit related matters to include broader consumer issues . Given the body of judgments that the Tribunal has established since its formation in 2005 , I am confi dent of its ability to meet its extended responsibilities .
I am certain that the Tribunal ’ s governance and operational structures will continue to enable to effectively fulfi l its mandate .
ASTERACEAE edmondia sesamoides
Edmondia sesamoides , Phaeno- cema prolifera , and the Syncarpha species are commonly referred to as “ everlastings ”. The fl owers on the growing plants are dry in order to save precious moisture but at the same time still be attractive for the pollinators .
( Dr ) ROB DAVIES , MP Minister of Trade and Industry
Annual Report 2011 national consumer tribunal | page 3