With a strong focus on customer service and product knowledge , Nore has made changes to accompany these ideals . Trailers have been moved from the showroom to the lot , which showcases 300 to 400 trailers at a given time . This allows the sales staff to create a no-pressure , interactive experience with the customer , walking them through various trailers and showing them what would fit their needs . Filling the showroom with parts has allowed team members to take a hands-on approach with customers , giving them the ability to pick up and see what they need or benefit from instead of looking at an image online .
“ When I took over , we remodeled the entire showroom . We brought in Rousseau cabinets and placed retail gondolas up front . Basically , we filled our entire showroom with displays of parts rather than it being used for one or two trailers to collect dust . We completely turned it around so people can come in to buy replacement pieces ,” Nore said .
Over the past ten years , Nore has relied heavily on word-ofmouth advertising and customer referrals . Unlike others in the industry , he didn ’ t feel the need for anything else until recently . In August , Nore brought on a marketing director to handle all advertising , including its website and social media . “ There was no website when we first started . We are on our fourth site now , and we continue to make it more user-friendly and interactive as possible for customers ,” said Nore .
Ask Nore how he ’ s been able to reach his current level of success , and he ’ ll tell you about his family and team . “ If it wasn ’ t for the help and support of my parents , I would never be where I am today . The same goes for my wife , who has supported me and allowed me to keep expanding . I have had a good team to help with this through the years ,” he said . “ You cannot do it alone . From parts to service , to admin , to marketing , etc ., we all play a hand in the success .”
For those looking to improve their business , Nore encourages you to look for networking opportunities within the industry . A member of a Spader20 group , he ’ s had the chance to meet with dealers annually to share ideas and educate others . Through Nore ’ s time in the group , he ’ s learned how to dig into numbers and understand the financial aspect of business . His biggest piece of advice is this - look at the cost of business .
“ Pay attention to your numbers . Know your budget and really know your numbers .”
While the adage may be simplistic , understanding the numbers has taken Nore from handling a single-stall , small shop to the master-minding the giant his company is today .
www . natda . org NATDA Magazine 23